Morpheus Bouldering Area Topos

Morpheus Bouldering Area Topos

Here is some beta on some of the more popular problems at this area. These online maps and Morpheus Bouldering Area topos should be enough to get you started, find the best and most popular problems, and get oriented at this area.

Morpheus is an area that is fairly spread out but the first boulders you reach are not far from where you park luckily. Morpheus has satellite areas on both sides of the West Fork of Miller River. Areas on the North side are a bit of a hike and there is a lack of established trails. Areas on the south side are easy to get to and only involve a walk across a log that is elevated over the West Fork of the Miller River. Several other areas and large amounts of boulders exist heading southeast of the areas like Devil’s Club forest.


Finding the Boulders

This is page dedicated to add some general beta about the boulder problems at Morpheus. Below are some boulder problems worth doing and are amongst the most classic and highly traveled problems at two popular areas. Pacific Northwest Bouldering Guidebook and we will be adding lots of beta online to this area as well. This page will provide some general beta on some of the problems and get you oriented at the area. A lot of bouldering areas lie hidden in the forest above Miller River and heading across the mountain towards the Sasquatch Boulders. If you need beta on undeveloped areas pleas email us.

Best Problems

Must-do Classics

There are currently 300 boulder problems at Morpheus and the number is growing.  There are only a handful of problems at the first few boulders you arrive at when hiking in but a 15 minute walk will bring you to the 420 Zone and a slightly longer walk many more areas such as Devil’s Club Forest.  Below are some problems and a top to get you oriented.


Area Map

A short drive in from Skykomish will bring you to the gate where you park. A 10 min walk will then take you to the first areas. You can easily spend the majority of a day walking around in the woods and exploring the areas at Morpheus. If you venture beyond the Car Door area and Washout Area you will cross a log on the stream and head to the more high quality areas. There is a lot of exploring you can do on your won here. If you venture off the ridge-crest and head back towards the Miller River Road you will come to several sub-areas that as of 2015 are only partially developed.


1. The Problem V1
2. Another Problem V4


1. Problem V0+
2. Route Two V8

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