Free Guidebook for Colorado Climbing Facbook group

Thanks for joining the Colorado Climbing and Colorado Ice Climbing Facebook group. It’s a challenge to find information for some local areas online and it’s difficult to find crags that have low crowds near Boulder and around Colorado.  To make accessing low-crowded areas easier our local group occasionally puts together information for local crags.

Lower Dream Canyon Guide Download

Thanks so much for joining the local Facebook group Colorado Climbing and Colorado Ice Climbing.  If you came to this page and are not already a member already feel free to join here.  The group is made up of local climbers dedicated to preserving access to local crags and bouldering areas, ice climbing spots,  as well as a place to meet up and get introduced to local partners and climbers/boulderers. We also are contributors to creating new guidebooks and guidebook apps for Colorado.

 Our App

 Lower Dream


Local Crags

You can support us by purchasing one of our print guidebooks or guidebook apps below. They offer the most up-to-date beta for Colorado crags.

Colorado has some of the best crags and bouldering areas no doubt. While other parts of the Rockies have larger more heavily-traffic crags, Boulder can be surprising enough for you to find some crags that are lesser-known and have lower crowds if you know where to explore.

A lot of the Denver-vicinity crags tend to get really crowded but Boulder/Denver still has several areas that offer a more off-the-radar feel.  

We plan to regularly update our free guidebooks and guidebook apps for Boulder. Stay subscribed to our email list to get updates to guides and new free guides. Right now we have one guidebook app offered for free in the Next Ascent app.  You can support us and our authors by purchasing any of our print guides or payed guidebook apps.

New Guides

Below are the newest and most current,  print guidebooks and guidebook apps for Colorado and other crags.

More Areas

Mt Hood

Area 51

Cetntral Oregon

Smith Rock

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