More than a Guidebook, More than an App
Thanks for finding Next Ascent. We are a new-media guidebook publisher providing a new spin on the traditional guidebook. We create full-color print guidebooks and rock climbing guidebook apps. After quickly realizing that modern guidebooks quickly get outdated, we decided to find a solution to keep guidebooks fresh, completely updated, and provide the most accurate, complete, and comprehensive beta possible. We will be adding new guide apps weekly so check back with us regularly to see what new areas we have added beta for.
The Problem
Print Guidebooks become quickly outdated, have errors, or often keep climbers waiting years for a second edition to come out.
The Solution
Our app platform lets climbers be able to constantly have updates if routes change, bolts get chopped, dangers arise, etc. Our guides are a living thing that are updated as needed. Never making climbers wait for a new edition.